An order passed down by Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales has made Quezon City concilors Roderick Paulate and Francisco Calalay Jr. along with their respective aides suspended.
Charges follows Gross Neglect of Duty, Falsification of Official Documents, Serious Dishonesty, Grave Misconduct, and Conduct Grossly Prejudicial to the Best Interest of Service.This charges are being inflected upon liason officers Vicente Bajamunde and Flordeliza Alvarez along with city councilors of Quezon city Calalay and Paulate.
With the signed information coming from Ombudsman Morales stating ""strong evidence of guilt on the part of the respondents."
As the Ombudsman mentioned that Paulate and calalay endorsed their respective contractual employees stating that they have worked for the city.However investigators found out that "these fictitious personnel" doesn' have even any records coming from the National Statistics Office, is not as well a registered voter of Quezon city, has(not)secured any NBI clearance, does not seem to exist on their respective barangays which stated they were from".
Ombudsman further explained that Paulate and Calalay's endorsement "tend to show of their knowledge and has willfully used their position as concilor of the city placing this so called ghost employees as employed for the local government of Quezon city.