Saturday, June 6, 2015

I Say Grace Poe For President for 2016 Election

The political war in the Philippines is just never running dry. For as long as I could remember every candidate really finds time to unveil the darkest side of you. What is seemingly true of this battle is that only the rich and the influenced gets most and the servant who walks in the right path gets kicked out in social media platforms and even print and broadcasting.

Photo Courtesy: Rappler
The news whatever channel I open always has up to date "word war" between Senator Grace Poe and VP Binay. I am a no good critic but a simple and ordinary citizen of the Philippines but I think VP Binay is going overboard with his candidacy and can't he not instead just show the people what is good with him why he should be elected as President of this country? 

I think that citizens of this country are already wise and knows if you are the best bet and should be elected as the leader to the highest or local position. What is wrong with our candidates now a days is that they are being so reckless and that is what is happening to VP Binay. His only biggest mistake is what happened during Yolanda in the first place he should not have done that but nothing good is coming out now that election is coming when you are like a no gentleman fighting over a woman whom is just so reserve. 

Now that the election is coming I will campaign for Grace Poe to run for president why? She may not be that experienced but she works hard not for her sake but to the people who elected her. 

A true humble person knows how to answer when needed and bows her head down if needed.

I must say Senator Grace Poe go run for PRESIDENT!