It has been a talked about topic now about a certain website whose slogan will deviously create a chaos to all religion sectors. This is a Canadian online dating site whose market are that of married men and women or those in a committed relationship. Their slogan which many Catholic and Christian believers will really be disturbed. "Life is Short. Have an Affair".

This site created an uproar after their website was hacked by "The Impact Team" or the hacktivist group or hackers online. The hackers said on July 15, 2015 that vital information of the online dating service named Ashley Madison like name, address, credit card information , status in life or at work are in their hands and threatened that they will release those information if they are not going to close down permanently.
Ashley Madison by the way was launched online way back 2001 having names taken from famous names of "Ashley" and "Madison". Since then this site has as much visits per month that reaches to 124 million visits per month (isn't this something?!!!). And currently ranks No.18 on all adult sites and do have a total of 39 Million subscriber all throughout 53 countries. Any online wanna be would go cray on the figures of visits they are having but OMG! so disturbingly a question of did my husband, wife or partner ever visit that site? You would ask this looking at your partner.

The hackers made into public their first installment of loving by posting online some 2,500 information of files of those members who signed up along with the datas they have since the time of registration. The later denied such information wasn't brought open or made public. The second installment of personal datas where out last August 18, 2015 and followed on August 20,2015 and now has information of Top CEO's deom different countries. Having said so Ashley Madison who has a service of deleting personal information if client no longer wanted their service for $19 which when the hackers had informed public of this situation created a mass chaos to their members and each one requested deletion of information in their file because of the incident.
This news is so disturbing, mind blowing and humiliating to your partner once other datas get to be exposed. What the heck is this website doing to our world? Can't their be any decency in the kind of online site you want to work on? We indeed pornography sites and dating sites most likely gathers attention instead of the normal magazine or tabloid type sites we often visit and of course more money comes in in an easy way. No evil work ever go further in the eyes of God that is for sure. Being a married person I am offended, can't understand why do you have to make your relationship with your partner go weary when you can always talk and open up? If worst comes to worst why not go civil and break up in the right manner of which you can still be friends for your children. A problem won't be resolve by another problem that is for sure! This site and the likes should be banned in the Philippines now that it is out in the open as an eye opener to all of us. Do not commit into having a family and doing premarital sex if you are not ready to be committed as a husband or wife that is the best way to do it!