Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pope Francis Says Marriage Separation Is Inevitable

Pope Francis talks of "separation of husband and wife". Says, “There are cases in which separation is inevitable. Sometimes it can become even morally necessary, precisely when it comes to subtracting the weaker spouse, or small children, from more serious injuries caused by arrogance and violence, by humiliation and exploitation … and by indifference,”.

I am married now and have always believe that having to foresee a relationship in a much deeper and lifelong commitment of binding the man and woman is a responsibility that both needed to understand. Sometimes we see marriage as a trial and error thing that we do not seek what lies beyond the promises. We only see that it is just marrying or being with him or her and that anytime if I do not see it working the way I wanted it to go that I can just get away with it.

Marriage is indeed a promise and commitment the man and woman share with God. And this commitment is better understood more when couples bear a child. When arguments and problems in your married life comes along the way it is then everything falls upon you and you'd realize how important was that promise not just to yourself, to your spouse but also to the little ones that comes along the way.

Domestic violence that comes with a married life which  I believe happens to a lot of women is another big issue which I am glad Pope Francis has opened his heart to this issue. I also think that the life long promise does not mean that you are to take all the beating, humiliation and physical abuse that your spouse do. It is understandable especially on the women's side that they often understand and forgive but it is also a matter of love for thyself and one's children especially when you are physically abused. There should always be a boundary. We often do our best and give our all and God sees everything. We always needed to pray not just on our happy moments but pray as well for Gods guidance and wisdom more when we are weary and felt we do not know what to do and think.

Quote from Pope Francis: Today, there are those who say that marriage is out of fashion... They say that it is not worth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘for ever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, that believes you are incapable of true love."

I have my highest respect to Pope Francis because he has shown what a great leader should be in works and words. He exemplifies that of Christ living ways and show the world Gods love and endless mercy.

“Let us ask the Lord for a strong faith to see with his eyes the reality of family life, and for a deep love to approach all families with his merciful heart,” Pope Francis on one of his speech.